3 Common Website Myths – Debunked!

Websites have been around for over 20 years now, yet myths still continue to circulate. Let’s clear the air today by debunking the top 3 most popular website myths!

man sitting a desk browsing the web on a laptop. debunk website myths with future access. st catharines

“Once I have a website, I can just forget about it.”

When you buy a car, you need gas to run it. It is the same for a website but instead of gas, you must maintain and update content, keywords, and reevaluate your SEO strategy in order for it to run successfully. To grow your business online and gain recognition, search engines such as Google, need to know that you are actively caring for your website. If you choose to forget about your website, so will search engines.

To keep your website afloat, we recommend setting aside time on a monthly basis to go over your web content, make changes, and update plugins. If you have a little more extra time on your hands, start blogging! Now, I know what you’re thinking – this will take hours. It is a time consuming process but definitely worth it in the long run. An alternative option for all you busy bees out there is to hire a person or team to help you maintain your online presence. This is a great investment as it’ll boost your online ranking and also doubles as a powerful form of marketing!

“All websites are the same. I’ll just buy the cheapest option.”

Think of your website as a first impression. Your website needs to speak to your customers, represent your brand, and the industry it’s in right off the bat. By choosing to purchase a generic website with a generic design, you could be harming your brand more as it lacks authenticity and personality. Nowadays, customers want a story, they want something unique, and with a basic website template you won’t be able to achieve that.

To ensure your website is leaving a lasting impression at all times, it is ideal to get a custom design created by a professional. Your goal is to showcase your brand to its full extent, online. With a custom-made design, your website will be memorable and represent your brand the way you want it to! Like we said in our previous blog, it is a big upfront investment but it will bring your brand to the next level.

“I don’t need a website for my business.”

You might not want a website but what about your customers? Having a website gives your customers another way to access your business at any time, any day! This means that even when you are sleeping or on vacation, your website is working for you. With a website, your brand is given the opportunity to expand beyond your brick and mortar location, reaching people around the globe! Now, even if your brand does not offer services overseas, it still makes for great exposure and can lead to something bigger. On top of that, a website allows you to grow closer to your audience, building a longer lasting relationship.

flatlay image of a macbook keyboard, pens, sticky notes, and an iphone on a white table. future access. niagara

Still think you don’t need a website for your business? Learn more about how a website can benefit your brand by reading our blog, Why Having a Website is Important for a Small Business.