You’ve probably heard us say it before: client relationships are the most important part of our business.
Seriously. At the end of the day, we love what we do because of our clients. It makes us happy to see them succeed. We get excited about their growth and development, and aim to do everything we can to support it. That’s why we emphasize client relationships above all else.
Of course, any relationship requires some give and take. We’ll always do our best to make the experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. But there are also things you can do to make your working relationship with your web developer better. We’ve put together a few suggestions that will help us help you.
Building a Better Partnership
1. Communication is always key. The more you’re able to communicate with your developer, the better they’ll be able to respond to your needs. It’s difficult to guess what someone wants perfectly. The more you clearly define what you need, the easier it is to meet that expectation.
2. Come prepared to participate. It’s nearly impossible to create something effective without direction. It will rarely meet your expectations, anyway. Think of it this way: if you simply tell a chef to make something for you out of their knowledge and expertise, they could do it. But what if they don’t know that you’re lactose intolerant? What if they don’t know about your absolute distaste for asparagus? The final dish may be expertly made, but not necessarily to suit your needs or expectations. That’s why web developers need some direction.
3. Give examples if needed. This is especially helpful when framing your ideas for the project. Take a look at other websites you visit, even competitors’ websites. What are they doing that you like? What are they doing that you don’t like? Any examples you give can help your developer narrow down the project’s requirements.
4. Clarify regularly. We do our best to make communication as clear as possible, but sometimes, we lapse into tech-y jargon. If your developer starts using unfamiliar terms, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. We’ll need to ask for it too! It’s all part of combining individual expertise to make the project better.
5. Remember the process. Despite best intentions, there may be bumps and hiccups along the way. Sometimes, those bumps are frustrating. Even when those bumps occur, have faith in the process. Your web developer can fix the glitches that come along, and there is always a way to work around obstacles. Stay committed to the process, and we’ll get it worked out.
The Right Web Developer
DISCLAIMER: We understand that not every web developer is easy to work with. I’m sure that some of you reading this have horror stories of working with a web developer. When that working relationship is fractured, it’s difficult to continue the project with any confidence or clarity. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right web developer. Check back next week – we’ll give you a checklist to help you make your choice!