Burned Out? Here’s What To Do

At some point, burnout comes for all of us. When it does, what do you do?

It often helps to plan how to recover from burnout before it arrives. That way, when you face it, you already know how to overcome it.

Overcoming Burnout

First, acknowledge that you’re burned out. Trying to race past it like a superhero of self-control will only get you so far. At some point, you’ll need to recognize where you’re at. And that’s not a bad thing – admitting you’re burned out will help you find a concrete way to work through it.

Often, burnout is a sign that something in your workload, workplace, or workflow needs to change. Sometimes, that change is as simple as using a project management app or establishing clearer communication with a co-worker. Other times, however, the burnout stems from a deeper issue. In those cases, you may need to take greater steps toward change. That may even include re-evaluating your current work position.

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Consider The Source

In 2015, Forbes published an article exploring the concept of professional burnout in greater detail. When you start to experience burnout at work, it’s crucial to consider the root cause. Why does the work feel like a strain? To get to the problem’s core, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have enough time and/or resources to complete my tasks?
  • Do I have some sense of autonomy in my work?
  • Am I receiving an overwhelming amount of criticism or negative feedback?
  • Do I feel like a valuable member of my team?
  • Does my workplace encourage collaboration and communication, or does it foster unhealthy competition?
  • Am I finding my work fulfilling?
  • Am I compromising any of my personal values for work?

A careful evaluation of your work environment will help you pinpoint where your frustrations lie. From there, you can take additional steps to improve your situation. Don’t ignore burnout. It’s an indication that something is off. Properly addressing it isn’t just good for your personal health – it’s also good for your professional development. Don’t be afraid to make necessary changes; it’s a worthwhile process.

To read the full Forbes article, click here.