BusyBee Productions


Founded in 2015, BusyBee Productions was founded by two doctors, Dr. Stephanie J. Brister, a heart surgeon at University Health Network in Toronto and Dr. Michael R. Buchanan, Professor Emeritus, Pathology & Molecular Medicine, McMaster University. Bringing to this new found passion they simply applied their discipline and habit for continuous learning to second careers. Coming to Future Access, BusyBee’s main goal was to establish their online persona, create a hub where they were able to share up to date news on events and soon to come productions and ultimately, build company awareness.

Web Development

Busy Bee Production valued the idea of simplicity and a one page website appealed to the simplicity of their needs. The idea of the website was to be a digital portfolio for the artists to showcase their work and help build brand awareness.


To ensure that the content would appeal to visitors and get their messages across with ease, we provided copy writing for their website that helped boost their organic rank through SEO techniques.