Kristen French


Kristen French Child Advocacy Centre provides a safe place to help, heal, end child abuse for Niagara’s children and youth who have been abused or were the unwilling witness of violence. Since 2008, Kristen French was the first dedicated stand alone CAC of its kind in Canada. With our team the organization wanted to develop a website that complied with public sector organization standards and a chat system that facilitated communication with families in the community.

Web Development

Future Access Implemented an accessible website that complied with AODA Level 2, WCAG 2.0 Guidelines Level AA. This means their internet and intranet websites and web content conform with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Inside their website they had an opt-in newsletter option and donations page that connected with Canada Helps.

Database Applications

We developed a Proprietary Chat System "Teen Chat" which is a direct chat forum that makes it easier way for you to connect directly with our Family Advocate (FA) when the FA is logged onto the site.

“I knew how tough it was for kids to report what had happened to them. Before the Kristen French CACN, the interviews had to take place at police stations or other offices where children could find this to be uncomfortable or intimidating. Without wanting to, we were re-victimizing the child.

- Frank Parkhouse