Let’s talk about your website.
When it was brand new, it was your baby, your pride and joy. You paid close attention to every detail; you took extra time to ensure that every piece of design and development was just right. And the day it launched? Perfection. You scrolled through it over and over again, pointing out every part that was your idea.
But now, that website has aged a bit. Your content is mostly up to date. You’re missing a couple key images. But it’s no big deal, right? I mean, you’ve been tolerating the exact same aesthetic for a while now. Sure, it serves its purpose, but it just doesn’t have that same magic. So, if a couple pieces are set aside, it’s all right. They’ll get done someday, right? It’s not a high priority. You’re busy, after all; and if you’re honest, you don’t even care that it’s responsive.
Okay, chances are that you don’t think about your website too much. In some ways, that’s a good thing. A highly-functional website won’t give you much immediate pressure, so it’s likely to take a backseat to other aspects of your business. The best part? It still brings in business. Websites are wonderful that way. Even when you aren’t paying attention to them, they’re working for you.
But it’s important to pay attention to them – at least once in a while.
Keeping your website up to date not only ensures that your customers receive the correct information, but it also improves your website’s overall performance. Consumers are less likely to trust a website that appears to be outdated. When a website looks like it’s in need of an update, your customers can’t be sure that all your content is completely accurate. If there’s too much room for doubt, they might go looking for answers somewhere else.
Don’t worry. It isn’t as grave a situation as it might sound. But, it’s still a good idea to parse through your site every once in a while and check for chances to update. The more often you update, the better your website will perform. Which leads to the obvious question: Just how often is often?
It depends on which website elements you’re thinking about updating. Certain pieces of a website will last much longer than others in terms of appeal and relevance – things like layout, colour schemes, etc. Overhauling your entire website doesn’t need to be a monthly thing. Instead, keep an eye on other websites. If there seems to be a new trend taking place, it’s a good time to contact your friendly neighbourhood developer. Typically, updating portions of your site’s overall design will take longer. Thankfully, those updates aren’t needed as much.
On the other hand, your content will need more of your attention.
One of the best ways to keep your content fresh is with an on-site blog. Even a monthly post will help keep your website fresh. Search engines love fresh content. Consumers do too! When you provide content often, they’ll come to trust your knowledge and advice. They’ll recognize you as relevant. You’ll be able to build customer loyalty at about 300 words per month!
Blog aside, it’s also a good idea to review your website’s content once in a while. Check that your contact information is current; make sure that all your services are listed, and that your customers can get all of the details they need. Even though content updates are needed more often, they don’t take nearly as long as design changes – couple of hours, maximum. That time investment will really pay off in the long run!
It’s time for a little online spring cleaning. Why not set aside a few hours this week for an update? Spruce up your website just a little bit – I promise you’ll feel better.